Policy and Safety Notifications
Asbestos Notification
Please see District Policy information on our website ~ www.fortmorgank12.com.
Child Abuse Law
Please see District Policy information on our website ~ www.fortmorgank12.com.
Emergencies and Drills
Pioneer will conduct an emergency drill (critical incident, fire, and tornado) at least once per month. Please do not call the school or try to come after your children if/when you hear an alarm.
Parents -- Instruct your child in safety and emergency procedures. Remind and review these procedures periodically. Encourage your child to follow these rules, as they are made for his/her safety and protection
Emergency Contacts
At the beginning of the year a form will go home with your child. Please fill in emergency contact people with phone numbers, so that we will be able to reach someone in case of an emergency. If there are any changes during the school year, it is imperative that parents contact the school with updates.
Harassment is defined as: Verbal, written, graphic or physical conduct that is pervasive enough to interfere with a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the district’s educational programs or activities.
- Intimidation implied or overt threat of physical violence
- Physical acts of aggression, assault, or damage to another’s property
- Demeaning jokes, taunts, slurs, nicknames, name calling, innuendos, or derogatory remarks either written or verbal
- Graffiti or visual displays such as cartoons or posters depicting slurs or derogatory sentiments
- Use of “fighting words” intended to incite individuals to violent actions
- Criminal offenses directed at an individual
Immunization of Students
Please see District Policy information on our website ~ www.fortmorgank12.com.
Medication Policy
Please see District Policy information on our website ~ www.fortmorgank12.com.
We share your on-going concern for the safety of children as they come and go between home and school. Crosswalk supervision will occur from 7:15 - 7:45 am and from 3:30 - 3:45 pm on Main Street near Landmark, at the intersection of Southridge Road and Spruce Street, as well as the intersection of Gateway Avenue and Spruce Street.
- We encourage students to obey all regulatory signs, signals and crosswalk markings
- We ask that parents help with their children’s safety instruction by setting a good example as an adult
- Insist that your child use crosswalks and pedestrian lights
- Don’t cross the street in the middle of a block with your child
- Don’t park across the street from school and ask your child to cross in the middle of the block to reach your car
- Don’t park your car in a “no parking” or bus loading zone
By teaching our children responsibility and setting good examples as adults, we hope to insure their safety.
NOTE: Students must walk their bicycles while on school grounds. Students are encouraged to use a lock when placing bicycles in the school bicycle rack.
Strangers and Others
Parents are encouraged to tell their child not to talk to or take things (including rides) from people they do not know. Encourage your child to report to their parents and/or teachers anyone who attempts to talk to them, follow them, or offer rides or “goodies” of some kind.
Tell your child to yell and run if anyone they don’t know tries to touch them.
Instruct your child to:
- Never accept rides or gifts from strangers
- Always report to a teacher, police officer, bus driver, or parent any strangers seen loitering on foot or in a car near schools, playgrounds, or other places where children gather.
- Always try to secure the license number of the car. Write it down or scratch it on the road with a stick or on the sidewalk with a stone.
- Seek help from a known adult or a police officer
You may want to remind your child and check-in periodically to see if he/she:
- Takes the most direct route to and from school
- Goes immediately home after school is dismissed
- Obeys traffic and safety regulations established for both walking and bicycle riding. NO BICYCLE RIDING IS PERMITTED ON THE SCHOOL GROUNDS DURING SCHOOL HOURS.
- Uses crosswalks
In summary, we want each child to be safe, sensible, and respect the rights of others.
Weapons in School
Please see District Policy information on our website ~ www.fortmorgank12.com.